New Rules for Getting a PCT Permit in 2023
The Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) has – again – updated the process for obtaining a Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) permit.
The permit process has evolved over the years and has never been perfect, but with the huge demand for the limited number of permits available each year (especially during the most popular departure windows) the PCTA has been forced to adapt the procedure for getting a permit.
Will the changes finally mean that everyone is happy with the PCT permit application process? Probably not. But hopefully, they’re an improvement upon the current system.
TL;DR: You now need to register before you apply for a permit. Register at beginning at 10:30 AM Pacific on October 12, 2022. Register before 5 PM Pacific on November 1, 2022, to apply for a permit on November 15, 2022, or register before 5 PM Pacific on January 5, 2023, to apply for a permit on January 10, 2023.
It’s also now easier to apply for a permit on the same date as someone else.
PCT Permit Registration
Pacific Crest Trail permits for northbound hikes are released in two phases. Hikers will now need to register beforehand to participate on the first day of each phase (i.e. the days when nearly every available will be claimed).
Registration opens at at 10:30 AM Pacific on October 12, 2022. You must register before 5 PM Pacific on November 1, 2022, if you wish to apply for a permit on November 15, 2022. You must register before 5 PM Pacific on January 5, 2023, if you wish to apply for a permit on January 10, 2023.
During the first phase, beginning November 15, 2022, at 10:30 AM Pacific, 70% of northbound permits (35 per day) are made available. During the second phase, beginning January 10, 2023, at 10:30 AM Pacific, the remaining 30% of northbound permits (15 per day) are made available.
All southbound permits will be available at 10:30 AM Pacific on January 10, 2023.
You’ll need to provide your phone name, number, email, date of birth, and contact information when registering.
Registering does not mean you are guaranteed a permit. – only the opportunity to apply.
Applying for the Same Start Date
Pacific Crest Trail thru-hikers with the hopes of beginning on the same date as someone else (friend, relative, lover, stranger, etc.) have long suffered with the issue of, “HOW DO WE GET THE SAME PERMIT DATE?!”
This has been particularly stressful for those with fixed timeframes for being on the trail or those traveling great distances to reach the trail.
Apparently, the Pacific Crest Trail Association is attempting to resolve the issue this year. They’ve stated, “you will be able to link yourselves together so that one person enters the queue and submits applications for both of you at the same time.”
But so many questions remain. Will this affect the other person’s spot in the queue? Can both people be in the queue at once? What if there’s only one more spot on the hoped-for date but one person decides they want it more than they want to begin with someone else? Will there be two different permits issued? Will each permit have both names?
Hopefully, the introduction of this new variable goes smoothly, but I can also see it bringing more confusion and/or complications to the process.
Source: Pacific Crest Trail Association
So its only Janurary 14th and I don’t see any available spots. Is this how its all supposed to work?
Let say the date range you prefer is filled before your selection. Can you opt out of the November selection and try for the second selection round in January?
Yes, you can.
What if you just want to LASH? Do you still have to register?
If your LASH will require you to get a PCT permit, then yes.
I wonder if this is meant to address people using multiple computers to try and queue a better spot for the actual application day.
Possibly? Although it’s unclear whether this would prevent that. I guess we’ll find out in a few months whether this strategy will still be employable.
Awesome, thank you for this information..fingers crossed!
Best of luck!