Cherry Grove: The Happiest Place on Fire Island
Before I came out to this wonderland known as Fire Island I knew very little about it, and all that anyone had to say about the island was that it was a “gay island” composed entirely of speedo sporting, ab chiseling, rainbow farting men who came here to engage in activities deemed inappropriate for the mainland (I can say now that everyone here, regardless of sexual orientation, participates in the above activities).
Even as I made my way east to Fire Island across the greatest country there ever was or ever will be, I encountered only these same preconceptions regarding my soon to be home.
I was skeptical to say the least (but also quite excited).
Now that I have been afforded the opportunity to explore the Island of Fire for myself I can offer a more accurate take on the Fire Island demographics.
So were all the folks who had never been to Fire Island before accurate in their judgements? Of course they weren’t (lesson 13: don’t judge a place before having visited it for yourself).
Two towns on the island, Cherry Grove and Fire Island Pines (located here) are known for being the “gay towns”, and as luck would have it, I was fortunate to spend a night in The Grove recently to check out all the hype.
The verdict: awesomeness.
The restaurants, the bars, the facilities, the people, the homes – all were excellent (and all far exceeded the expectations set by the other towns on Fire Island). Cherry Grove makes the rest of Fire Island look like a dumb by comparison.
I got to see a drag queen show (and my new favorite game: “GRAB THAT DICK!”), eat delicious food, drink delicious drinks, and meet delicious people.
Overall an excellent time.
Before the summer is out I will have to make it back over that way for the Miss Fire Island Contest, and a second healthy helping of Fire Island’s heart and soul.