PCT Sign Marker Desert

The Pacific Crest Trail in Three Minutes

A lot of people were fans of my first Pacific Crest Trail video, Three Second Thru-Hike, and I honestly didn’t think it would be such a hit.

I am happy with the way it turned out, but I got a lot of feedback about the length of the video (which ends up being over seven minutes), and the music (which I really just chose because it happened to be the same length as the video).

So what have I done?

I’ve recut the video into a three-minute version with original music by Builders. I realize that a lot of people would just prefer to hear my footsteps (really? that’s not boring?), and if there’s overwhelming support for a version with no music then let it be known and I’ll make it happen.

Personally, I prefer this to the original (or to me just boringly walking, since I usually had headphones in on the trail anyway), but I will let you be the judge (you know, because bias, etc.).

Leave a comment and let me know!

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