A diagram illustrating a dialogue between two individuals.

The Prostitutes of Copacabana

I have been lucky enough to always find myself with favorable neighbors, and thankfully Rio de Janeiro is no different.

It turns out that I have some of the hardest working neighbors in the city, and they can frequently be found earning their living providing valuable services to the community whilst the rest of Rio is out enjoying their weekends (or weekdays).

They were difficult to meet at first in light of their incredibly busy schedules, but once you start talking to them, they are actually quite nice.

Unfortunately, they are a little camera-shy, and they work in a very subtle manner, but hopefully, after building a relationship with them they will warm up to me. To make things easier for myself (and others), I have created the above flowchart to easily determine whether someone is, in fact, a neighbor (the questions are regarding your neighbor in question).

Rio Prostitutes
Neighbor in white, hard at work.

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