Note: The ADZPCTKO, Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kock Off, was an annual event held at Lake Morena for PCT hikers. The last ADZPCTKO was held in 2017, and it’s currently unknown whether a new event will replace it one day.

Every year around the end of April, hundreds of past and prospective hikers gather at Lake Morena for the Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick-Off or ADZPCTKO.


The event marks the unofficial start of the PCT thru-hiking season (although plenty of hikers will be departing before and after the ADZPCTKO) and brings together hoards of the trail’s NOBO (that’s northbound) hikers (sadly, I do not think a SOBO event exists up in Canada/Washington). Whether you plan on hiking alone or with friends or still need some convincing, everything I have heard from former attendees says that the event is well worth it.

Lake Morena (the ADZPCTKO’s location) is just after the 20-mi / 32-km mark on the PCT. Most hikers arrive early at the southern terminus of the PCT and then hike the section to Lake Morena in one day. Keep in mind that attending the Kick-Off will mean that you will be surrounded by hikers in the early stages of the trail.


What to Expect

The agenda for this year’s event includes a PCT Film Festival, gear contests, seminars, a silent auction, and, best of all – meals!

Plenty of vendors also attend to show off the latest and greatest in ultralight backpacking gear and to show their support for the hundreds about to plague their feet with blisters and ass cheeks with chafe.

Registration for the event fills up quickly (this year, it was full in under 32 hours), so if you want to secure yourself a spot in the festivities, then ensure you are on top of your game.

Sadly, I cannot attend the event this year (2013) since my start date is May 15. Perhaps I will attend a later year to shower new PCT hikers with the wisdom I will surely gain from this 2,600 hike (or to hike the PCT again?).

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